Playground Climbing Nets
West Coast Netting has long been a leader in the design, manufacturing and installation of rope and climbing nets. Indoor and outdoor cargo climbing nets can be made from almost any size rope, commonly 3/8" diameter to 1" diameter and from almost any material: common nylon, polyester, SPECTRA or Manila. Mesh sizes range from 2" square to over 12" and can be produced with a diamond or square pattern. Playground climbing nets can be designed for vertical climbing or for horizontal walkways.
Don't forget the safety side nets and bed nets. We recommend our heavy-gauge #K96T-1 3/4" netting. This will keep participants on your nets and safe while they play. Take advantage of our netting expertise.
Call us today for assistance with any attachment, cabling or hardware specifications.
White Untreated Rope Cargo Netting with Custom Calculator - PLEASE CALL WITH YOUR ORDER! Model: White Untreated Rope Cargo Netting
Color Treated Rope Cargo Netting with Custom Calculator - PLEASE CALL WITH YOUR ORDER! Model: Color Treated Rope Cargo Netting