PR-20-Black-Golf Impact Screen
Woven heavy duty impact mesh in black with maximum height of 9' (108") without any seams. Can be made in any size, but will have a seam appoximately every 9'. This netting can only be web bound or vinyl bound with or without grommets. This material is not intended for use with compound bows. We recommend purchasing a minimum of 25% more length than the opening you are trying to cover espeically if the netting is placed directly behind target. The netting should not be pulled tight. NOTE: Some clubs are doubling the sections and leaving a 10-12" airspace between the two sections for carbon arrows. **This netting is not recommended for Broad-Heads or bows above 45 pounds draw weight.** Archery backstop products are non-returnable once installed. Only manufacturer defects will be refundable. PR-20 is only available in full roll width of 9' and will have to have hemmed edges at a minimum for an edge border option.
Both Archery-B and PR-20-B are desired high impact materials used for golf impact screens where black impacts screens are necessary. Archery Netting has visible 3/16" hole mesh where as PR-20-B is woven material without any visible holes, thus Archery-B will let more light through the material than PR-20-B material.